Lotto America Number Generator
Use the Lotto America number generator below to receive a random line of numbers that can be used in upcoming drawings. Select ‘Generate’ to reveal five main numbers from 1 to 52 and a Star Ball between 1 and 10. You can generate as many lines as you wish until you get one you want to play.

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Time until draw:
Systematic Generator
Use the Generator below to quickly create combinations taken from a selected range of numbers. This is known as a lottery system, where you pick more numbers than you can enter with a single play. For example, if you choose six main balls and one Star Ball, there would be six valid combinations within that set of numbers. Using a system improves your odds of winnings as you are covering more possible combinations.
Select the balls you would like to play in your system below and select ‘View’ to see every valid combination of numbers that would be entered into a drawing. You will also be able to see the odds of winning the jackpot when all of the lines shown are played in the same game.